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ASEE-SE Annual Conference 2022

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Developing Map of Depth To Groundwater In Charleston, Sc

Groundwater plays a key role in many shallow geological processes and an estimate of the level of the water table is an important component of site investigations, assessments of water resources, and environmental studies. Literature cites that data on groundwater level is frequently used as a component within geological models, for example in studies of slope stability, liquefaction, groundwater flood susceptibility, or the suitability of an area for sustainable urban drainage systems. The object of this study is to use observations of groundwater level in wells and boreholes to develop depth to groundwater maps for Charleston, SC. The local civil engineering firms were contacted to get access to their databases. Groundwater Table depths for all investigated sites were given in the project reports. These groundwater table depths are used to develop GIS maps. Preliminary results show that the groundwater table depths range from 0 feet to 25 feet. About 50% of the 350 investigated sites have groundwater table depths less than 5 feet. These GIS maps will aid the local practitioners with readily accessible groundwater depths.

Mary Coastal Watkins
The Citadel
United States

Simon Ghanat
The Citadel
United States


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