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ASEE-SE Annual Conference 2022

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Formation of The Citadel Aerospace and Rocketry Student Organization

The formation of the Citadel aerospace and rocketry student organization will provide extracurricular educational, applications, and professional development. The organization will also foster engagement within the Citadel community via multidisciplinary participation of faculty and students. The Citadel Rocket Club is a student-led club that was officially founded in the Fall of 2020 and is comprised of students from the Corps of Cadets, as well as veteran and evening undergraduates. It is an interdisciplinary club that includes students from both the Mechanical and Electrical Engineering programs at the Citadel. Club is heavily focused on research and development of new methodologies to improve rocket design through modeling, software simulations, and test launches. Students involved in the club also learn and participate in several subdisciplines for rocketry design. This includes structures & integration, payload & recovery, propulsion, flight aerodynamics, and avionics. Each project built will strictly adhere to safety protocols and provide an educational outreach to understand the applied aerodynamics in rocket construction. The goals of each project are to further develop research and education for aeronautical engineering along with competing in collegiate competitions, along with participation in community outreach programs for primary and secondary education. Club initiatives and competitions will also be integrated into Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Senior Design. Overall, The Citadel Rocket Club aims to provide participating students the critical opportunity to gain an advanced understanding of rocket fabrication techniques and practices.

Pooya Niksiar
The Citadel
United States

Ryan Integlia
The Citadel
United States


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